Monday, August 31, 2009

Yipee! My First Bow Hunt!

This year, Brian talked me into bow-hunting. I have always been a little skeptical that I could actually do it. I mean, I go shooting with Brian just for fun, but, I didn't think that I could hunt. Well, I did, and it was great!!!! It was so much more fun hunting with a bow, afterward, I could barely breathe and my hands were shaking soooooo bad! Anyway, here is my deer (and me!) FYI: I am not really biting the liver, but James said that if I took a picture like I did, then he would exempt me from the time-honored tradition of the Gilson family- YUCK!!!!!!! It was a blast and I am so glad Brian talked me into it!!!!!

Here it is! The deer of the hour!

Me and my guy!

Me and Kedrick (the guy who's land we used, he is such an awesome guy!!!)

Like this would EVER happen!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


We went to Idaho (Mack's Inn-Island Park area) last week for like 10 days (too long even for me!). We floated the river, saw animals, fished, went to a play (hilarious- go to the Desert Star in Salt Lake to get a taste), played lots of games, had lots of smores, and spent a day in Yellowstone. It was absolutely gorgeouse just like always, I didn't get many pics, but here are a few!

I think Brian is happy to be here... don't you?

Dragging great-grandpa around- she would grab his finger while he was sitting down and make him walk with her! It was so cute!

My little rag-a-muffin!

This little deer had a floppy ear! I have never seen that before!

Random Pics

So, I haven't blogged since June, and I have a few random pics to share!

My favorite picture ever!!!!!! You have to click on the picture to get the real face!

Yes, this is a nightcrawler. Brian gave it to her and she thought that its stretchiness was pretty cool.

Yep, still stretchy!

My little 80's rock star!

My New Niece!

Evelina Rae (Lina, pronounced linna, not leena) was born on August 12 at 12:22 pm. She was born while we were all on vaca in Idaho! She weighed in at exactly 6 lbs and was 19 inches long. Yeah! She is so little! I forgot how tiny they are when they are only a week old! She doesn't look anything like Abbey did, and she is one of the first (of the 17 grandkids and 6 great-grandkids) to not have the Smith nose! She's adorable!