Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Fall!

It's fall and I LOVE it! It is my favorite season, and it has been beautiful. We went up the canyon to get leaves to decorate, it is just warm enough right now to only need a sweater, and the leaves make the landscape here not so deserty (is that a word?). Averie and I went over to Holly's to play in the leaves (the previous landowner in our house hated trees and cut all but 1 big one and 3 little ones down). The little munchkin got the biggest kick out of falling into the pile!

You say "POTATO".....

So, this year, our garden went a bit overboard. I canned 20 jars of tomatoes, 29 jars of salsa, 21 jars of spaghetti sauce. My mother-in-law did tons of tomatoes, and my sister-in-law the same. We gave away probably 20-30 bushels to neighbors and family, and still had tomatoes!!!!! Well, if I thought that was bad, I didn't even begin to imagine the potatoes. We ended up with 150 plants. Not intended, believe me. Two nights ago, we dug them up. It took around 4 hours and we ended with around 600-700 pounds of potatoes. Needless to say, I don't think we are going to run out for awhile. Brian (who most of you know actually LOVES to garden-not an exaggeration) told his mom and Holly that next year everyone has to have their own garden. I laughed and told him he brought it on himself. After he gave me a dirty look, informed me that he wasn't kidding. It was actually kind of fun, spending time with family, digging up spuds!

Averie doing her best to help