Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day At The Museum

Just for fun, yesterday, we (I had to drag Brian- this is one of those roll his eyes b/c he loves me moments.) went to the museum in Price. I had never been there before, and it was pretty cool! I was very impressed with the amount of dinosaurs that have come from this area. Averie pretty much just wanted to wander around on her own, but she loved the giant aquarium that had an alligator, a soft-shelled turtle and lots of goldfish.


The Dalley's said...

When we were in Elementary and Middle School we would go on a field trip there every year, it got a little old. but the first few times it was interesting... i like how you describe brian rolling his eyes at you, that made me laugh because i can remember that about him so well! good ;job getting him to go though!

The Dalley's said...

oh dang this is Sarah, Kallie is at my house and was the last one logged in i guess. :)